Each surface of building is determined as perpendicular infinity in front of the building. The architecture is used as building appearance.
People depending on environmental conditions firstly lived in caves, formed naturally, created the place for living by carving the ground and rocks. In course of time, to cover the top they created the roof, then for various needs with the help of walls constructed the rooms, and so created the accommodation suitable for living.
A man, because of his nature could not isolate from external environment, in abovementioned buildings he was not isolated from external environment, in the course of time creating the space in these buildings he discovered residential area, created first models of outside façade. In due course all these were developing, enhancing, coloured and created architectural style. Whether it is in the city, or in countryside, each building is perceived as its façade. Outside façade of building which is the cover of building has been developed in terms of architecture and engineering and came to present time.

- Designing and reconstruction of façade
- Aluminium window framing for façade
- Aluminium window framing for façade
- Balcony railings made of chrome
- Decorative window framing and cornices for façade
- Decorative wood façade facing
- Hatchet doors for garage
- Fire-protective doors for evacuation